Dr. Roger Good M.D.
Dr. Roger Good M.D.
Board Certified Radiation
Board-certified Radiation

You have an opportunity
to Regain Hope

You may also call us at (618) 206-3440 to make your appointment


Dr. Roger Good attended medical school at the University of Nebraska and completed his residency training at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City and the University of Rochester, New York. After his graduate training, he returned to the University of Nebraska where he was a tenured associate professor in the Medical School Department of Radiation Oncology for over 10 years.


He designed the Clarkson Cancer Center which is now the Warren Buffet Cancer Center, and introduced 3D Conformal Radiotherapy and Radiosurgery into clinical practice there as early as 1987. During this period, Dr. Good published many articles and distinguished himself in the academic community.

He specialized in pediatric radiation oncology and skull base and brain tumor brachytherapy as well as prostate brachytherapy.

Dr. Good practiced adult and pediatric radiation oncology in the state of Washington, where he designed and directed another Cancer Center (Deaconess Cancer Center) in Spokane, Washington. Dr. Good later patented and licensed the radioactive seed used to treat prostate cancer to International Isotopes Inc (I3), where it was manufactured in Denton, Texas, for many years.

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    U.C. Cancer Center
    Dr. Roger Good, M.D.

    326 Fountains Parkway Fairview Heights Illinois 62208


    (618) 206-3440